
Edited by Glenda Acland

  • Richard Cox
  • Terry Cook
  • Sarah Tyacke
  • David Bearman
  • David Roberts
  • Clive Smith
  • Michael Piggott
  • Fiona Ross
  • Lee McGregor
  • Susan Burnstein
  • Ross Shardlow
  • Barbara Shardlow
  • Greg Wells
  • Tracy Bradford
  • Greg Kerr
  • Sue McKemmish
  • Bill Orr
  • Bill Taylor
  • Kathryn Patterson
  • Jenni Davidson
  • Fred Walter


The international perspective - Keeping archives, second edition reviewed by Richard Cox; The international perspective - Keeping archives, second edition reviewed by Terry Cook; The international perspective - Keeping archives, second edition reviewed by Sarah Tyacke; Managing electronic records reviewed by David Bearman; Archival theory and information technologies reviewed by David Roberts; Archival documents: providing accountability through recordkeeping reviewed by Clive Smith; Canadian Archival Studies and the Rediscovery of Provenance reviewed by Michael Piggott; Archival appraisal reviewed by Fiona Ross; The preparation of records management handbooks for government agenices reviewed by Lee McGregor; Directory of archives and manuscripts repositories in New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Fiji, Niue, Tokelau, Tonga and Western Samoa reviewed by Susan Burnstein; Anerican maritime documents 1776-1860 reviewed by Ross Shardlow; Barbara Shardlow; Public Records Office Admiralty records. AJCP Handbook, part 7, second edition reviewed by Ross Shardlow; Barbara Shardlow; Images of early Canberra reviewed by Greg Wells; Australian history in New South Wales 1888-1938 reviewed by Tracy Bradford; Looking back: a history of the University of Newcastle reviewed by Greg Kerr; Report of the Royal Commission into commercial activities of Government. Western Australia reviewed by Sue McKemmish; Report on unauthorised release of government information. New South Wales reviewed by Sue McKemmish; Data matching programe: report on progress, October 1992 reviewed by Bill Orr; State Records and Information Policy. South Australia. General Disposal Schedules; and Archives Authority of New South Wales. General Records Disposal Schedule - personnel records reviewed by Bill Taylor; Responsible recordkeeping: future directions in accountability reviewed by Kathryn Patterson; Records management and computers reviewed by Jenni Davidson; Open day. Public Record Office Victoria reviewed by Fred Walter

How to Cite
Cox R., Cook T., Tyacke S., Bearman D., Roberts D., Smith C., Piggott M., Ross F., McGregor L., Burnstein S., Shardlow R., Shardlow B., Wells G., Bradford T., Kerr G., McKemmish S., Orr B., Taylor B., Patterson K., Davidson J. and Walter F. (1993) “Reviews”, Archives & Manuscripts, 21(2), pp. 264-319. Available at: (Accessed: 2October2024).

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