
Edited by Sue McKemmish

  • Gavan McCarthy
  • Hank Nelson
  • Baiba Berzins
  • Valerie Helson
  • Chris Hurley
  • Linda Bell
  • Vicky Wilson
  • Ewan Maidment
  • Bob Sharman
  • Baiba Berzins
  • Meredith Lawn
  • Anne-Marie Schwirtlich
  • Graeme Powell
  • Patrick O'Neill
  • Livia Iacovino
  • Mark Brogan
  • John McDonald
  • Carolyn Theodore
  • Michael Piggott
  • Debbie Osborne
  • Sigrid McCausland
  • Richard Reid


Dick Sargent, The National Register of Archives: An International Perspective. Essays in Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the NRA reviewed by Gavan McCarthy p. 154-156; Hilary Golder, Documenting a Nation: Australian Archives~The First Fifty Years reviewed by Hank Nelson p. 156-158; Elizabeth Riddell, editor, With Fond Regards: Private Lives Through Letters reviewed by Baiba Berzins p. 158-159; Andrew Hassam, Sailing to Australia: Shipboard Diaries by Nineteenth Century British Emigrants and Michael Cannon, Perilous Voyages to the New Land reviewed by Valerie Helson p. 159-161; Kerstin Abukhanfusa and Jan Sydbeck, editors, The Principle of Provenance: Report from the First Stockholm Conference on Archival Theory and the Principle of
Provenance, 2-3 September 1993 reviewed by Chris Hurley p. 161-163; Archives in the Tropics: Proceedings of the Australian Society of Archivists Conference, Townsville 9-11 May 1994 reviewed by Linda Bell p. 163-166; Redefining Records Management: Conference Papers: RMAA 12th National Convention, World Congress Centre, Melbourne, 18-21 September, 1995 reviewed by Vicky Wilson p. 166-169; Preservation Microfilming: does it have a future? Proceedings of the first National Conference of the National Preservation Office, at the State Library of South Australia, 4-6 May 1994 reviewed by Ewan Maidment p. 169-172; Commission on Government, Western Australia, Discussion Paper No. 5. Specified Matter: 9. Independent Archives Authority and Commission on Government, Western Australia, Report No. 2, parts I and 2 reviewed by Bob Sharman p. 172-174; Adrian Cunningham, compiler, Guide to the Papers of Edward Koiki Mabo in the National Library of Australia reviewed by Baiba Berzins p. 174-176; National Library of Australia, compiler, Guide to Collections of Manuscripts Relating to Australia: a Selective Union List reviewed by Meredith Lawn p. 176-179; Pramod Mehra, Sanjay Garg and S. Sengupta, compilers, Guide to the Sources of Asian History: India—Directory of Custodial Institutions reviewed by Anne-Marie Schwirtlich p. 179-181; Donald L. DeWitt, compiler, Guides to Archives and Manuscript Collections in the United States: An Annotated Bibliography reviewed by Graeme Powell p. 182-183; Public Record Office of Victoria, Coming South: Victorian Archives of Immigration 1839-1923 reviewed by Patrick N. O'Neill p. 183-184; James Andrighetti, compiler, Italians in NSW: A Guide to Archives in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales reviewed by Livia Iacovino p. 185-187; Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Finance. Information Exchange Steering Committee. Electronic Data Management Subcommittee. Improving Electronic Document Management: Guidelines for Australian Government Agencies reviewed by Mark Brogan p. 188-190; Archives Authority of New South Wales, Documenting the Future: Policies and Strategies for Electronic Recordkeeping in the New South Wales Public Sector and Australian Archives, Keeping Electronic Records: Policy for Electronic Recordkeeping in the Commonwealth Government—Exposure Draft Version 2 reviewed by John McDonald p. 190-195; Multimedia Preservation—Capturing the Rainbow. Second National Preservation Office Conference, Brisbane, 28-30 November 1995 reviewed by Carolyn Theodore p. 195-198; Private lives revealed: letters, diaries, history. National Library of Australia seminar, 23 March 1996 reviewed by Michael Piggott p. 198-200; Document and Records Management in Corporate and Government Environments, Boulevard Hotel, Sydney, 29-30 November 1995 reviewed by Debbie Osborne p. 200-202; The Work of Art: Australian Women Writers and Artists. State Library of
New South Wales, Sydney, 14 August 1995 - 11 February 1996. Curated by Rebecca Thomas. reviewed by Sigrid McCausland p. 202-204; Selling a Dream/Promoting Australia to Post-War Migrants. Australian Archives exhibition, Old Parliament House, Canberra, 6 November 1995 - 23 June 1996 reviewed by Richard Reid p. 204-206.

How to Cite
McCarthy G., Nelson H., Berzins B., Helson V., Hurley C., Bell L., Wilson V., Maidment E., Sharman B., Berzins B., Lawn M., Schwirtlich A.-M., Powell G., O’Neill P., Iacovino L., Brogan M., McDonald J., Theodore C., Piggott M., Osborne D., McCausland S. and Reid R. (1996) “Reviews”, Archives & Manuscripts, 24(1), pp. 154-206. Available at: (Accessed: 2October2024).

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