
Edited by Adrian Cunningham

  • Richard Cox
  • George Nichols
  • Greg O'Shea
  • Sue McKemmish
  • Peter Orlovich
  • Luciana Duranti
  • Kathryn Dan
  • Graeme Powell
  • Denis Rowe
  • Baiba Berzins
  • Tamara Lavrencic
  • Jennifer Edgecombe
  • Tim Robinson
  • Fiona Burn
  • Anthony Eccleston
  • Elaine Eccleston
  • Michael Richards
  • Rodney Teakle


Playing For Keeps: the proceedings of an electronic records management conference reviewed by Richard Cox; Diary of a dream: a history of the National Archives Independence Movement, 1980-1985 reviewed by George Nichols; The first generation of electronic records archivists in the United States: a study in professionalization reviewed by Greg O'Shea; Past as prologue: The Royal Commission into commercial activities of government and other matters reviewed by Sue McKemmish; Debates and discourses: selected Australian writings on archival theory, 1951-1990 reviewed by Peter Orlovich; Luciana Duranti; Networking Australia's future: the final report of the Broadband Services Expert Group reviewed by Kathryn Dan; Sources for Colonial Studies in the Public Record Office: Records of the Colonial Office, Dominions Office, Commonwealth Relations Office and Commonwealth Office reviewed by Graeme Powell; Communism in Australia: a resource bibliography reviewed by Denis Rowe; Preserving Ourstory: Keeping the Archives of Women's Organisations/Tohungia Nga Korero Mo Nga Puni Wahine reviewed by Baiba Berzins; RLG archives microfilming manual reviewed by Tamara Lavrencic; Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Archivists, 26-28 July 1995 reviewed by Jennifer Edgecombe; Society of American Archivists 59th Annual Meeting, 1995 reviewed by Tim Robinson; Beyond the archives wars reviewed by Fiona Burn; Educating for the future reviewed by Anthony Eccleston; Elaine Eccleston; John Curtin: a man of peace, a time of war reviewed by Michael Richards; An ideal city reviewed by Rodney Teakle

How to Cite
Cox R., Nichols G., O’Shea G., McKemmish S., Orlovich P., Duranti L., Dan K., Powell G., Rowe D., Berzins B., Lavrencic T., Edgecombe J., Robinson T., Burn F., Eccleston A., Eccleston E., Richards M. and Teakle R. (1995) “Reviews”, Archives & Manuscripts, 23(2), pp. 350-401. Available at: (Accessed: 2October2024).

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