Edited by Glenda Acland

  • Doreen Wheeler
  • Peter Crush
  • Baiba Berzins
  • Stephen Ellis
  • Jill Gurney
  • James Elwing
  • Judith Ellis
  • Fiona Sims
  • Timothy Robinson
  • Chris Coggin
  • Valerie Johnson
  • Shauna Hicks
  • John Murphy
  • Del Cuddihy
  • Herbert Bolton


Management of recorded information: converging disciplines reviewed by Doreen Wheeler; A life of a document: a global approach to archives and records management reviewed by Peter Crush; Library, archives and information studies reviewed by Baiba Berzins; Study of mass conservation techniques for treatment of library and archives material reviewed by Stephen Ellis; Traditional restoration techniques: a RAMP study reviewed by Jill Gurney; Methods of evaluation to determine the preservation needs in libraries and archives: a RAMP study with guidelines reviewed by James Elwing; National History Guide Committee (Nepal) source manual series no. 1, No. 2; Guide to the sources of Asian history. India 3.1; Guide to the sources of Asian history. 4 Indonesia reviewed by Judith Ellis; Archival gold: managing and preserving publisher's records reviewed by Fiona Sims; Managing local studies collections reviewed by Timothy Robinson; Awake, Bold Bligh! William Bligh's letters describing the mutiny on HMS Bounty reviewed by Chris Coggin; Parish registers in Australia reviewed by Valerie Johnson; National register of shipping arrivals reviewed by Shauna Hicks; Lu Rees archives of Australian children's literature: a guide to the collections reviewed by John Murphy; Preserving our heritage: a paper video conservation kit reviewed by Del Cuddihy; History of Australia's Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 1926-1949 reviewed by Herbert Bolton

How to Cite
Wheeler D., Crush P., Berzins B., Ellis S., Gurney J., Elwing J., Ellis J., Sims F., Robinson T., Coggin C., Johnson V., Hicks S., Murphy J., Cuddihy D. and Bolton H. (1990) “Edited by Glenda Acland”, Archives & Manuscripts, 18(2), pp. 261-292. Available at: https://publications.archivists.org.au/index.php/asa/article/view/8131 (Accessed: 2October2024).

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