Edited by Adrian Cunningham

  • Ross Gibbs
  • Ann Pederson
  • Roslyn Russell
  • Joanna Sassoon
  • Robert Sharman
  • John Roberts
  • Peter Crush
  • Katherine Gallen


Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, Listening to the Past, Speaking to the Future: Report of the Archives Task Force, London, March 2004.97pp. Available at: <http://www.mla.gov.uk/documents/ a tf_report.pdf >.

Margaret Proctor and Caroline Williams (eds), Essays in Honour of Michael Cook. Liverpool University Centre for Archival Studies, 2003. 151pp. ISBN 0 947608 21 4.

William E Jarvis, Time Capsules: a cultural history, Macfarland and Company, North Carolina, 2003. 321pp. ISBN 0786412615.

Joan M Schwartz and James R Ryan (eds), Picturing Place: Photography in the geographical imagination, IB Tauris, London, 2003, 354pp. ISBN 1 86064 752 9.

EW (Bill) Russell, A Matter of Record; a history of Public Record Office Victoria. Original archival research by Charlie Ferrugia. Public Record Office Victoria 2003. xi + 227pp. ISBN 1 74097 041 1.

Archives, Memory and Knowledge: International Congress on Archives, Vienna, 23-29 August 2004.

From Concept to Reality, 21st National Convention of the Records Management Association of Australasia, Canberra, 12-15 September 2004.

Challenges in the Field: Challenge and be Challenged, Australian Society of Archivists Annual Conference, Canberra, 15-18 September 2004.

How to Cite
Gibbs R., Pederson A., Russell R., Sassoon J., Sharman R., Roberts J., Crush P. and Gallen K. (2004) “Edited by Adrian Cunningham”, Archives & Manuscripts, 32(2), pp. 191-209. Available at: https://publications.archivists.org.au/index.php/asa/article/view/9743 (Accessed: 2October2024).