Edited by Adrian Cunningham

  • Shauna Hicks
  • Ray Edmondson
  • Tim Robinson
  • Jill Caldwell
  • Danielle Wickman
  • Justine Heazlewood


Nicholson Baker, Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper, Random House, New York, 2001. 370pp. ISBN 0 375 50444 3.

Helen Cross and Margaret Chambers, Sound Recordings in the National Archives, National Archives of Australia, Canberra, 2001. 125pp. ISBN 0 642 34444 2.

Alan M Gahtan, Electronic Evidence, Carswell Thomson Professional Publishing, Scarborough, Ontario, n.d. xvi + 184. ISBN 0 459 27070 2.

Thornton W Mitchell (ed.), Notion on Archives: The Writings of Margaret Cross Norton on Archival and Records Management, Society of American Archivists, Chicago, 1975 (third printing 2001). xxi + 288pp. ISBN 0 931828 17 1.

National Museum of Australia, Frontier Conflict: The Australian Experience, a forum at the National Museum of Australia, Canberra, 13-14 December 2001.

Research Libraries Group and Online Computer Library Center, Attributes of a Trusted Digital depository: Meeting the Needs of Research Resources, Research Libraries Group, Mountain View, California, August 2001. 56pp. Available at: iimu.rlg.org/ longterm/attributesOI.pdf accessed March 2002.

How to Cite
Hicks S., Edmondson R., Robinson T., Caldwell J., Wickman D. and Heazlewood J. (2002) “Edited by Adrian Cunningham”, Archives & Manuscripts, 30(1), pp. 82-94. Available at: https://publications.archivists.org.au/index.php/asa/article/view/9581 (Accessed: 12September2024).

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