Bridging the Gap, 17th National Convention of the Records Management Association of Australia, Sydney, 3-6 December 2000 reviewed by Sandra Kentish; Michael Cook, The Management of Information from Archives, 2nd edition reviewed by Judith Ellis; Judith A. Ellis (ed.), Selected Essays in Electronic Recordkeeping in Australia reviewed by Hans Hofman; Pedro Gonzalez, Computerization of the Archivo General de Indias: Strategies and Results reviewed by Sigrid McCausland; Lyn Gorman & Don Boadle (eds), Rural Society, vol. 10, no. 2, 2000, special issue on Australian Rural History reviewed by John Merritt; Richard Gorrell & Stephen Foster, Voices for Democracy: Teachers Resource Kit reviewed by Rosslyn Marshall; Robert Lewis & Tim Gurry, 1901 and All That: A Federation Resource Kit reviewed by Rosslyn Marshall; Joseph Rosenblum, Practice to Deceive: The Amazing Stories of Literary Forgery's Most Notorious Practitioners reviewed by Graeme Powell; State Records Authority of New South Wales, Government Recordkeeping Manual Volume 1: Requirements, Volume 2: Guidelines and Volume 3: Procedures reviewed by Rodney Teakle; Kirsty Williamson (ed.), Research Methods for Students and Professionals: Information Management and Systems reviewed by Karen Anderson

  • Sandra Kentish
  • Judith Ellis
  • Hans Hofman
  • Sigrid McCausland
  • John Merritt
  • Rosslyn Marshall
  • Graeme Powell
  • Rodney Teakle
  • Karen Anderson
How to Cite
Kentish S., Ellis J., Hofman H., McCausland S., Merritt J., Marshall R., Powell G., Teakle R. and Anderson K. (2001) “Bridging the Gap, 17th National Convention of the Records Management Association of Australia, Sydney, 3-6 December 2000 reviewed by Sandra Kentish; Michael Cook, The Management of Information from Archives, 2nd edition reviewed by Judith Ellis; Judith A. Ellis (ed.), Selected Essays in Electronic Recordkeeping in Australia reviewed by Hans Hofman; Pedro Gonzalez, Computerization of the Archivo General de Indias: Strategies and Results reviewed by Sigrid McCausland; Lyn Gorman & Don Boadle (eds), Rural Society, vol. 10, no. 2, 2000, special issue on Australian Rural History reviewed by John Merritt; Richard Gorrell & Stephen Foster, Voices for Democracy: Teachers Resource Kit reviewed by Rosslyn Marshall; Robert Lewis & Tim Gurry, 1901 and All That: A Federation Resource Kit reviewed by Rosslyn Marshall; Joseph Rosenblum, Practice to Deceive: The Amazing Stories of Literary Forgery’s Most Notorious Practitioners reviewed by Graeme Powell; State Records Authority of New South Wales, Government Recordkeeping Manual Volume 1: Requirements, Volume 2: Guidelines and Volume 3: Procedures reviewed by Rodney Teakle; Kirsty Williamson (ed.), Research Methods for Students and Professionals: Information Management and Systems reviewed by Karen Anderson”, Archives & Manuscripts, 29(1), pp. 139-164. Available at: (Accessed: 22September2024).