
Edited by Sue McKemmish

  • Glenda Acland
  • Terry Eastwood
  • Kerry Gordon
  • Helen D. Harris
  • Gabrielle Hyslop
  • John Levett
  • Helen Nosworthy
  • Stephen Ellis
  • Sue McKemmish
  • Frank Upward
  • Suzanne Fairbanks
  • Anne Cooke
  • Michael Cook
  • Chris Hurley
  • Simon Davis
  • Michael Piggott
  • Frank Upward


The records continuum reviewed by Glenda Acland; Terry Eastwood; Elecronic evidence: strategies for managing records in contemporary organisations reviewed by Glenda Acland; Records mangement: a guide for students and practitioners of records management reviewed by Kerry Gordon; Tracing your family history in Australia: a guide to sources reviewed by Helen D. Harris; Les services de communication des archives au public reviewed by Gabrielle Hyslop; Memory and history in twentieth-century Australia reviewed by John Levett; Partners in research reviewed by Helen Nosworthy; Electronic information resources and historians: european perspectives reviewed by Stephen Ellis; The bold riders: behind Australia's corporate collapses reviewed by Sue McKemmish; Recordkeeping functional requirements project. Reports and working papers, September 1994 reviewed by Frank Upward; Parties to the award: A guide to the pedigrees and archival resources of federally registered trade unions, employer associations and their peak councils in Australia 1904-1994 reviewed by Suzanne Fairbanks; Ethics, lies and archives: seminar reviewed by Anne Cooke; Playing for keeps reviewed by Michael Cook; Towards international descriptive standards: papers presented at ICA, Ottawa, 4-7 October 1988; Standards for archival description: working group on standards for archival description reviewed by Chris Hurley; Electronic recordkeeping systems reviewed by Simon Davis; Christian Dior, the magic of fashion reviewed by Michael Piggott; The records environment reviewed by Frank Upward

How to Cite
Acland G., Eastwood T., Gordon K., Harris H. D., Hyslop G., Levett J., Nosworthy H., Ellis S., McKemmish S., Upward F., Fairbanks S., Cooke A., Cook M., Hurley C., Davis S., Piggott M. and Upward F. (1995) “Reviews”, Archives & Manuscripts, 23(1), pp. 100-166. Available at: (Accessed: 2October2024).

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