Book Reviews

Edited by Glenda Acland

  • Val Siebert
  • Barbara Reed
  • David Roberts
  • Lee McGregor
  • Barbara-Mary Pedersen
  • Michael Piggott
  • Elizabeth Nathan
  • Tim Robinson
  • Roslyn McCormack
  • Linda Bell


Managing archives and archival institutions reviewed by Val Siebert; How to manage your records: a guide to effective practice reviewed by Barbara Reed; Legal implications of the production of machine readable records by public administrations: A RAMP study reviewed by David Roberts; Study in integrated pest management for libraries and archives reviewed by Lee McGregor; Planning, equipping and staffing an archival preservation and conservation service: A RAMP study with guidelines reviewed by Barbara-Mary Pedersen; Prevention of treatment of mold in library collections with an emphasis on tropical climates: A RAMP study reviewed by Barbara-Mary Pedersen; Guide to records of the United States senate in the National Archives 1789-1989 reviewed by Michael Piggott; Guide to the archives of the ministries of Foreign Affairs of the member states of the European Communities and of the European political co-operation reviewed by Elizabeth Nathan; At work and play: our past in pictures reviewed by Tim Robinson; Stopping the rot: a handbook of preventive conservation for local studies collections, 2nd edition reviewed by Roslyn McCormack; Guide to the papers of William Henry Gill in the Mitchell Library; Guide to the papers of Sir Philip Game and the Game family in the Mitchell Library; Guide to the papers of Elizabeth Jolley in the Mitchell Library reviewed by Linda Bell

How to Cite
Siebert V., Reed B., Roberts D., McGregor L., Pedersen B.-M., Piggott M., Nathan E., Robinson T., McCormack R. and Bell L. (1990) “Book Reviews”, Archives & Manuscripts, 18(1), pp. 119-122. Available at: (Accessed: 21September2024).