
  • Nick Thieberger School of Languages and Linguistics, University of Melbourne


N Thieberger, M Aird, C Bracknell, J Gibson, A Harris, M Langton, G Sculthorpe and J Simpson, ‘The New Protectionism: Risk Aversion and Access to Indigenous Heritage Records’, Archives & Manuscripts, vol. 51, no. 2, 2023, pp. 23–42. doi: 10.37683/asa.v51.10971.

The authors wish to correct a mistake in this article. The opening statement ‘[T]he task for linguists is to act as a channel to ensure that stolen knowledge and authority flow back to communities’ is incorrectly attributed to Lesley Woods, but she actually cites it from Eira’s1 work. Later in the article a cross reference to that quote should similarly be attributed to Eira.


C Eira, ‘Addressing the Ground of Language Endangerment’, in M David, N Ostler and C Dealwis (eds.), Working Together for Endangered Languages: Research Challenges and Social Impacts – Proceedings of Foundation for Endangered Languages Conference XI, Kuala Lumpur, October 26–28, 2007, Foundation for Endangered Languages, pp. 82–90.

How to Cite
Thieberger N. (2024) “Correction”, Archives & Manuscripts, 51(2), p. 77. doi: 10.37683/asa.v51.11031.

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