Harnessing Social Media to Advocate for the University Archive

  • Laura Sizer Monash University Archives, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Keywords: Archives, Outreach, Social media, access, advocacy, community, university archives, building relationships


In 2022 the Monash University Archives began using social media to advocate for and promote ourselves and our collections. This paper reflects on the first twelve months of using social media, our experiences of setting up and maintaining our social media presence, the results we have seen and the lessons we have learnt. The key message conveyed in this paper is that if our small team can harness social media to advocate for and promote our university archive, then any archive of any size can do the same.

Author Biography

Laura Sizer, Monash University Archives, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Laura Sizer works in records and archives at the Monash University Archives. She is a graduate of Charles Sturt University where she obtained her Master of Information Studies (Records and Archives Management).

How to Cite
Sizer L. (2023) “Harnessing Social Media to Advocate for the University Archive”, Archives & Manuscripts, 510, p. e10941. doi: 10.37683/asa.v.10941.
Reflection articles