The Music and the First World War Project at the Australian War Memorial

  • Theresa Cronk Star of the Sea College and Westbourne Grammar School, Melbourne
Keywords: Digitisation, First World War, Music, Collection management databases, Arrangement and Description


The Music and the First World War project was a First World War centenary project at the Australian War Memorial that involved the digitisation of a selection of diaries, letters, concert programs and 100 pieces of sheet music held in the Memorial’s collection. This article examines the process of developing the project, preparing the collections for digitisation and establishing a publishing framework for online release. The article also discusses some of the benefits of the project for telling the stories of each of these songs, their history and the performers involved.

Author Biography

Theresa Cronk, Star of the Sea College and Westbourne Grammar School, Melbourne

Theresa Cronk currently works as College Archivist at Star of the Sea College and Westbourne Grammar School, Melbourne. Previously, she was the Senior Curator, Published and Digitised Collections at the Australian War Memorial. She holds an Honours degree in History, a Graduate Diploma in Archives and Records Management, and a Master of Information Studies (Leadership). As part of her work, she has researched and developed solutions for issues surrounding the digitisation and online display of archival collections and preserving these images in digital asset management systems. 

How to Cite
Cronk T. (2023) “The Music and the First World War Project at the Australian War Memorial”, Archives & Manuscripts, 50(2), pp. 89-101. doi: 10.37683/asa.v50.10913.
Reflection articles