Recordkeeping metadata and archival description: a revisit

  • Jinfang Niu
Keywords: archival description, ISO 23081, ISAAR(CPF), ISAD(G), recordkeeping metadata


Metadata go through an evolutionary process from creation to archival preservation. During this process, some metadata are re-used (inheritance), other metadata are eliminated (extinction) and still others are updated or newly generated (mutation). Unlike other literature that focuses on metadata inheritance and mutation, this evolutionary view highlights the extinction of metadata. As such, it might raise awareness about the appraisal and selection of metadata in digital curation practice.

Author Biography

Jinfang Niu

Jinfang Niu is an Assistant Professor at the School of Information, University of South Florida. She received her PhD from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Prior to that, she worked as a librarian at the Tsinghua University Library for three years. Her current research focuses on electronic records and digital curation.

How to Cite
Niu J. (2013) “Recordkeeping metadata and archival description: a revisit”, Archives & Manuscripts, 41(3), pp. 203-215. doi: 10.1080/01576895.2013.829751.