For the record: document and record sensibilities of art conservators in the Philippines

  • Brendan Luyt
  • Natalie Pang
Keywords: art conservators, documentation, Philippines


In this article the authors present a study of the use of documents by a small group of art conservators in the Philippines. Documents are important for these conservators, but not just, or even primarily, for their role as memory devices. Also important are the functions they play in creating a sense of professional identity, for mediating the tensions created by a bureaucratically structured workplace and an occupation traditionally organised around notions of craftsmanship, and as creators of persuasive evidence for clients.

Author Biographies

Brendan Luyt

Brendan Luyt is Associate Professor and Head of Division at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His research focuses broadly on the social and policy landscape of information access. At the present time he is especially interested in the study of the history of information institutions and Wikipedia as a social phenomenon, and issues in scholarly information and communication. Brendan graduated from the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada with a PhD in Library and Information Science. He also holds a MA in Political Science from Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

Natalie Pang

Natalie Pang is Assistant Professor in the Division of Information Studies and Principal Investigator at the Centre of Social Media Innovations for Communities, National University of Singapore. She specialises in participatory forms of IT effects and information behaviour, focusing on social media and information behaviour in the contexts of uncertainty and risks (for example, crises, disasters and social movements), social media and participatory documentation, and technological impacts on marginalised communities. A graduate of Melbourne University and Nanyang Technological University, Natalie completed her PhD at Monash University and has worked on research projects in Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, China and Italy. She has served as a research associate of Museum Victoria (History and Technology) and the Victorian Association of Tertiary Libraries, and as a research fellow of the Centre for Community Networking and Research, Monash University. Natalie has taught/is teaching courses in social informatics, information management, information literacy, records management, qualitative research methods, understanding information behaviour and the sociology of knowledge.

How to Cite
Luyt B. and Pang N. (2015) “For the record: document and record sensibilities of art conservators in the Philippines”, Archives & Manuscripts, 43(2), pp. 131-145. doi: 10.1080/01576895.2014.990393.