Another archive is possible

  • Blanca Bazaco Palacios Reference and User Service Unit, Regional Archives of the City of Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Archives, record management, special archives


There’s a classic motto that reads like this: Another world is possible. The aim of this study is to reflect: Is another archive possible? Are the archives created with the collection of material from social movements, such as the 15 M movement in Spain, or from the public’s repulsion towards terrorist attacks, as happened with the September 11 terrorist attack in the United States, or the 11 March 2004 (11M) attack in Madrid, really archives? This is what the author will investigate in this paper.

How to Cite
Bazaco Palacios B. (2020) “Another archive is possible”, Archives & Manuscripts, 48(3), pp. 250–258. doi: 10.1080/01576895.2020.1762683.
Reflection articles