Book Reviews

Edited by Adrian Cunningham

  • Peter Horsman
  • Kate Cumming
  • Sue McKemmish
  • Gerard Foley
  • Catherine Robinson
  • Michael Forstrom
  • Sigrid McCausland
  • Susan E. Davis
  • Shauna Hicks


Adrian Cunningham (ed.), The arrangement and description of archives amid administration and technological change: essays and reflections by and about Peter J Scott, Australian Society of Archivists, Brisbane, 2010. ix + 392 pp. ISBN 978 0 9803352 6 2.

Terry Eastwood and Heather MacNeil (eds), Currents of archival thinking, Libraries Unlimited, Santa Barbara, 2010. xiii +254 pp. ISBN 978 1 59158 656 2.

Jane Doulman and David Lee, Every assistance and protection: a history of the Australian passport, The Federation Press, Sydney, 2008. xvi + 256 pp. ISBN 978 186287 682 8.

Elena S Danielson, The ethical archivist, Society of American Archivists, Chicago, 2010. 437 pp. ISBN 978 1 931666 34 2.

Laura Millar, The story behind the book: preserving authors' and publishers' archives, CCSP Press, Vancouver, 2009. 224 pp. ISBN 978 097387 2743.

Michael Nash (ed.), How to keep union records, Society of American Archivists, Chicago, 2010. 228 pp. ISBN 978 931666 35 0.

Laura Millar, Archives: principles and practices, Facet Publishing, London, 2010. 304 pp. ISBN 978 1 85604 673 2.

Melissa Mannon, Cultural heritage collaborators: a manual for community documentation, Archiveslnfo Press, New Hampshire, 2010. 258 pp. ISBN 13 978 0 982 72760 7.

Brian Matthews, Manning Clark: a life, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2008. 535 pp. ISBN 978 1 74175 446 9.

Roslyn Russell (ed), Ever, Manning: selected letters of Manning Clark 1938-1991, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2008. 552 pp. ISBN 978 1 74114 378 2.

How to Cite
Horsman P., Cumming K., McKemmish S., Foley G., Robinson C., Forstrom M., McCausland S., Davis S. E. and Hicks S. (2011) “Book Reviews”, Archives & Manuscripts, 39(1), pp. 224-252. Available at: (Accessed: 2October2024).